Social Network

Marketing Impact on Diffusion in Social Networks

Pavel Naumov and Jia Tao 

The paper proposes a way to add marketing into the standard threshold model of social networks. Within this framework, the paper studies logical properties of the influence relation between sets of agents in social networks. Two different forms of this relation are considered: one for promotional marketing and the other for preventive marketing. In each case a sound and complete logical system describing properties of the influence relation is proposed. Both systems could be viewed as extensions of Armstrong's axioms of functional dependency from the database theory. [pdf]

Lighthouse Principle for Diffusion in Social Networks

Sanaz Azimipour and Pavel Naumov

The article investigates influence relation between two sets of agents in a social network. It proposes a logical system that captures propositional properties of this relation valid in all threshold models of social networks with the same topological structure. The logical system consists of Armstrong axioms for functional dependence and an additional Lighthouse axiom. The main results are soundness, completeness, and decidability theorems for this logical system. [pdf]